

def TwoSidedIdeal.mapMatrix (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (I : TwoSidedIdeal A) :

If I is a two-sided-ideal of A, then Mₙ(I) := {(xᵢⱼ) | ∀ i j, xᵢⱼ ∈ I} is a two-sided-ideal of Mₙ(A).

  • TwoSidedIdeal.mapMatrix A ι I = { ringCon := { r := fun (X Y : Matrix ι ι A) => ∀ (i j : ι), I.ringCon (X i j) (Y i j), iseqv := , mul' := , add' := } }
Instances For
    theorem TwoSidedIdeal.mapMatrix_ringCon_r (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (I : TwoSidedIdeal A) (X Y : Matrix ι ι A) :
    (mapMatrix A ι I).ringCon.toSetoid X Y = ∀ (i j : ι), I.ringCon (X i j) (Y i j)
    theorem TwoSidedIdeal.mem_mapMatrix (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (I : TwoSidedIdeal A) (x : Matrix ι ι A) :
    x mapMatrix A ι I ∀ (i j : ι), x i j I
    def TwoSidedIdeal.equivRingConMatrix (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (oo : ι) :

    The two-sided-ideals of A corresponds bijectively to that of Mₙ(A). Given an ideal I ≤ A, we send it to Mₙ(I). Given an ideal J ≤ Mₙ(A), we send it to {x₀₀ | x ∈ J}.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem TwoSidedIdeal.equivRingConMatrix_apply (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (oo : ι) (I : TwoSidedIdeal A) :
      (equivRingConMatrix A ι oo) I = mapMatrix A ι I
      theorem TwoSidedIdeal.equivRingConMatrix_symm_apply (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (oo : ι) (J : TwoSidedIdeal (Matrix ι ι A)) :
      (equivRingConMatrix A ι oo).symm J = mk' ((fun (x : Matrix ι ι A) => x oo oo) '' J)
      def TwoSidedIdeal.equivRingConMatrix' (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (oo : ι) :

      The two-sided-ideals of A corresponds bijectively to that of Mₙ(A). Given an ideal I ≤ A, we send it to Mₙ(I). Given an ideal J ≤ Mₙ(A), we send it to {x₀₀ | x ∈ J}.

      Instances For
        theorem TwoSidedIdeal.equivRingConMatrix'_apply_ringCon_r (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (oo : ι) (I : TwoSidedIdeal A) (X Y : Matrix ι ι A) :
        ((equivRingConMatrix' A ι oo) I).ringCon.toSetoid X Y = ∀ (i j : ι), I.ringCon (X i j) (Y i j)
        theorem TwoSidedIdeal.equivRingConMatrix'_symm_apply_ringCon_r (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (ι : Type) [Fintype ι] (oo : ι) (J : TwoSidedIdeal (Matrix ι ι A)) (x y : A) :
        ((RelIso.symm (equivRingConMatrix' A ι oo)) J).ringCon.toSetoid x y = x_1J, x_1 oo oo = x - y
        def mopToEnd (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] :

        The canonical map from Aᵒᵖ to Hom(A, A)

        • mopToEnd A = { toFun := fun (a : Aᵐᵒᵖ) => { toFun := fun (x : A) => x * MulOpposite.unop a, map_add' := , map_smul' := }, map_one' := , map_mul' := , map_zero' := , map_add' := }
        Instances For
          theorem mopToEnd_apply_apply (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (a : Aᵐᵒᵖ) (x : A) :
          def toEndMop (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] :

          The canonical map from A to Hom(A, A)ᵒᵖ

          • toEndMop A = { toFun := fun (a : A) => MulOpposite.op { toFun := fun (x : A) => x * a, map_add' := , map_smul' := }, map_one' := , map_mul' := , map_zero' := , map_add' := }
          Instances For
            theorem toEndMop_apply (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (a : A) :
            (toEndMop A) a = MulOpposite.op { toFun := fun (x : A) => x * a, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
            noncomputable def mopEquivEnd (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] :

            the map Aᵒᵖ → Hom(A, A) is bijective

            Instances For
              noncomputable def equivEndMop (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] :

              the map Aᵒᵖ → Hom(A, A) is bijective

              Instances For
                theorem equivEndMop_symm_apply (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (b : (Module.End A A)ᵐᵒᵖ) :
                (equivEndMop A).symm b = Function.surjInv b
                theorem equivEndMop_apply (A : Type u_1) [Ring A] (a : A) :
                (equivEndMop A) a = MulOpposite.op { toFun := fun (x : A) => x * a, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
                def matrixEquivMatrixMop (n : ) (D : Type u_4) [Ring D] :

                For any ring D, Mₙ(D) ≅ Mₙ(D)ᵒᵖ.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  theorem matrixEquivMatrixMop_apply (n : ) (D : Type u_4) [Ring D] (M : Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) Dᵐᵒᵖ) :
                  (matrixEquivMatrixMop n D) M = MulOpposite.op ( fun (d : Dᵐᵒᵖ) => MulOpposite.unop d)
                  theorem matrixEquivMatrixMop_symm_apply (n : ) (D : Type u_4) [Ring D] (M : (Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) D)ᵐᵒᵖ) :
                  (matrixEquivMatrixMop n D).symm M = (MulOpposite.unop M) fun (d : D) => MulOpposite.op d
                  theorem Ideal.eq_of_le_of_isSimpleModule {A : Type u} [Ring A] (I : Ideal A) [simple : IsSimpleModule A I] (J : Ideal A) (ineq : J I) (a : A) (ne_zero : a 0) (mem : a J) :
                  J = I
                  theorem minimal_ideal_isSimpleModule {A : Type u} [Ring A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) (I_minimal : ∀ (J : Ideal A), J ¬J < I) :
                  theorem Wedderburn_Artin.aux.one_eq {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) :
                  ∃ (n : ) (x : Fin nA) (i : Fin nI), j : Fin n, (i j) * x j = 1
                  @[reducible, inline]
                  noncomputable abbrev Wedderburn_Artin.aux.n {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) :
                  Instances For
                    @[reducible, inline]
                    noncomputable abbrev Wedderburn_Artin.aux.x {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) :
                    Fin (n I I_nontrivial)A
                    Instances For
                      @[reducible, inline]
                      noncomputable abbrev Wedderburn_Artin.aux.i {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) :
                      Fin (n I I_nontrivial)I
                      Instances For
                        @[reducible, inline]
                        noncomputable abbrev Wedderburn_Artin.aux.nxi_spec {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) :
                        j : Fin (n I I_nontrivial), (i I I_nontrivial j) * x I I_nontrivial j = 1
                        • =
                        Instances For
                          theorem Wedderburn_Artin.aux.n_ne_zero {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) :
                          NeZero (n I I_nontrivial)
                          @[reducible, inline]
                          noncomputable abbrev Wedderburn_Artin.aux.nxi_ne_zero {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) (j : Fin (n I I_nontrivial)) :
                          x I I_nontrivial j 0 i I I_nontrivial j 0
                          • =
                          Instances For
                            theorem Wedderburn_Artin.aux.equivIdeal {A : Type u} [Ring A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] (I : Ideal A) (I_nontrivial : I ) (I_minimal : ∀ (J : Ideal A), J ¬J < I) :
                            ∃ (n : ) (_ : NeZero n), Nonempty ((Fin nI) ≃ₗ[A] A)
                            def endPowEquivMatrix (A : Type u_4) [Ring A] (M : Type u_5) [AddCommGroup M] [Module A M] (n : ) :
                            Module.End A (Fin nM) ≃+* Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) (Module.End A M)
                            Instances For
                              theorem Wedderburn_Artin_ideal_version (A : Type u) [Ring A] [IsArtinianRing A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] :
                              ∃ (n : ) (_ : NeZero n) (I : Ideal A) (_ : IsSimpleModule A I), Nonempty ((Fin nI) ≃ₗ[A] A)
                              theorem Wedderburn_Artin (A : Type u) [Ring A] [IsArtinianRing A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] :
                              ∃ (n : ) (_ : NeZero n) (I : Ideal A) (_ : IsSimpleModule A I), Nonempty (A ≃+* Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) (Module.End A I)ᵐᵒᵖ)
                              theorem Wedderburn_Artin' (A : Type u) [Ring A] [IsArtinianRing A] [simple : IsSimpleRing A] :
                              ∃ (n : ) (_ : NeZero n) (S : Type u) (x : DivisionRing S), Nonempty (A ≃+* Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) S)
                              theorem Wedderburn_Artin_divisionRing_unique (D E : Type u) [DivisionRing D] [DivisionRing E] (m n : ) [hm : NeZero m] [hn : NeZero n] (iso : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin m) D ≃+* Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) E) :
                              theorem Matrix.mem_center_iff' (K : Type u_2) (R : Type u_3) [Field K] [Ring R] [Algebra K R] (n : ) (M : Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) R) :
                              M K (Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) R) ∃ (α : ( K R)), M = α 1
                              theorem RingEquiv.mem_center_iff {R1 : Type u_2} {R2 : Type u_3} [Ring R1] [Ring R2] (e : R1 ≃+* R2) (x : R1) :
                              def algebraMapEndIdealMop (K : Type u) {B : Type v} [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B] (I : Ideal B) :

                              For a K-algebra B, there is a map from I : Ideal B to End(I)ᵒᵖ defined by k ↦ x ↦ k • x.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                theorem algebraMapEndIdealMop_apply (K : Type u) {B : Type v} [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B] (I : Ideal B) (k : K) :
                                (algebraMapEndIdealMop K I) k = MulOpposite.op { toFun := fun (x : I) => k x, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
                                theorem Wedderburn_Artin_algebra_version (K : Type u) (B : Type v) [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B] [FiniteDimensional K B] [sim : IsSimpleRing B] :
                                ∃ (n : ) (_ : NeZero n) (S : Type v) (x : DivisionRing S) (x_1 : Algebra K S), Nonempty (B ≃ₐ[K] Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) S)
                                theorem is_central_of_wdb (K : Type u) (B : Type v) [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B] [hctr : Algebra.IsCentral K B] (n : ) (S : Type u_2) [NeZero n] [h : DivisionRing S] [Algebra K S] (Wdb : B ≃ₐ[K] Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) S) :
                                theorem is_fin_dim_of_wdb (K : Type u) (B : Type v) [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B] [FiniteDimensional K B] (n : ) (S : Type u_2) [NeZero n] [h : DivisionRing S] [Algebra K S] (Wdb : B ≃ₐ[K] Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) S) :
                                theorem simple_eq_matrix_algClosed (K : Type u) (B : Type v) [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B] [FiniteDimensional K B] [IsAlgClosed K] [IsSimpleRing B] :
                                ∃ (n : ) (_ : NeZero n), Nonempty (B ≃ₐ[K] Matrix (Fin n) (Fin n) K)