Properties of centers and centralizers #
This file contains theorems about the center and centralizer of a subalgebra.
Main results #
Let R
be a commutative ring and A
and B
two R
: ifS
are subalgebras ofA
, then the centralizer ofS ⊔ T
is the intersection of the centralizer ofS
and the centralizer ofT
: ifB
is free as a module, then the centralizer ofA
inA ⊗ B
isC(A) ⊗ B
is the center ofA
: ifA
is free as a module, then the centralizer ofB
inA ⊗ B
isA ⊗ C(B)
is the center ofB
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
{A : Type u_2}
[Semiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(S T : Subalgebra R A)
centralizer R ↑(S ⊔ T) = centralizer R ↑S ⊓ centralizer R ↑T
(R : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring R]
(A : Type u_2)
[Semiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(B : Type u_3)
[Semiring B]
[Algebra R B]
[Module.Free R B]
centralizer R ↑Algebra.TensorProduct.includeLeft.range = ( (center R A).val ( R B)).range
Let R
be a commutative ring and A, B
be R
-algebras where B
is free as R
Then the centralizer of A ⊆ A ⊗ B
is C(A) ⊗ B
where C(A)
is the center of A
(R : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring R]
(A : Type u_2)
[Semiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(B : Type u_3)
[Semiring B]
[Algebra R B]
[Module.Free R A]
centralizer R ↑Algebra.TensorProduct.includeRight.range = ( ( R A) (center R B).val).range
Let R
be a commutative ring and A, B
be R
-algebras where A
is free as R
Then the centralizer of B ⊆ A ⊗ B
is A ⊗ C(B)
where C(B)
is the center of B
(R : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring R]
(A : Type u_2)
[Semiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(B : Type u_3)
[Semiring B]
[Algebra R B]
[Module.Free R B]
centralizer R ↑( ( R A) (Algebra.ofId R B)).range = ( (center R A).val ( R B)).range
(R : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring R]
(A : Type u_2)
[Semiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(B : Type u_3)
[Semiring B]
[Algebra R B]
[Module.Free R A]
centralizer R ↑( (Algebra.ofId R A) ( R B)).range = ( ( R A) (center R B).val).range